Trachi Naze + Day Filter Green x 30 - LATNP1002
£108.60Trachi Naze + Day Filter Green - LATNP1002
Trachi-Naze is the only system which restores the vital nasal function to neckbreathers making breathing easier and more efficient.
Trachi-Naze Plus restores the lost nasal function for neckbreathers. It is the only externally worn system to add back heat, moisture, small particulate filtration and improves breathing and therefore increases oxygenation. Oxygenation is increased because Trachi-Naze provides a functional airway resistance within the trachea, which plays an important role in the breathing process.
Trachi-Naze +Plus offers a variety of fitting options:
Trachi-Naze Stoma Studs
The Trachi-Naze +Plus stoma studs provide a gentle sealing within the stoma, and in combination with the Trachi-Naze +Plus filter cassettes gives the wearer greater confidence as well as significantly enhanced respiration.
Laryngectomy Tube
The Trachi-Naze +Plus Laryngectomy Tube has been designed to hold the Trachi-Naze +Plus filter cassettes for those who require a tube to support the trachea (longer than stoma studs). The tube can be fenestrated for voice prosthesis users and is available in a comprehensive variety of diameters and lengths.
The Trachi-Naze +Plus Tracheostomy Tube Attachment
This allows tracheostomy tube wearers with a 15mm connector, to enjoy the benefits of better breathing with the Trachi-Naze +Plus filter cassette.
Day Filter (Green)
Half airway resistance allowing free passage of air for daytime use. The green (day) filter is comfortable during the day for normal activity - it provides half the level of airway resistance but it is the regular use of the Blue and Green filter which maximises respiratory performance.
Trachi Naze + Day Filter Green x 30 - LATNP1002